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Termite Solutions: Inform. Inspect.

  •  Termites can cause significant damage to your home or business without being detected and signs of infestation can be tricky to spot but our professional team has the expertise and knowledge to find and eliminate these wood-eating pests! 

  • Termites perform a vital function in nature by digesting cellulose (a major component of wood), cycling nutrients from dead & dying vegetation back into the soil. However, termites are not selective about the wood they consume which is why this devouring insect can cause major damage when they are eating wood used to construct buildings and homes causing billions of dollars’ worth of damage annually across the United States.

Indiana’s most prevalent termite species is the subterranean termite…Let Baker’s safeguard your property against this threat.


“Termites devour anything made out of wood so let Baker’s stop their binge eating for good!” Call us @317-670-0372 to talk about how Bakers can exterminate those hungry termites…


Termite Characteristics, Behavior & Habitat: 


  • Termite colonies are found in the soil or an area that has some degree of contact with the soil. Colony location can move depending on the availability of food, moisture and changing temperatures. 

  • The rate of growth of a colony depends on availability of food, moisture, protection from predators, heat and dehydration. Colonies range in size from a couple hundred to 60,000 to one million in mature, well-established colonies. 

  • Colonies are organized into distinct hierarchies: king, queen, workers, soldiers and swarmers (reproductives)

    • Workers-make up the greatest number of termites in a colony, forage for food, build & maintain tunnels and tubes for shelter, construct & maintain nests, feed & groom other colony members

    • Soldiers-represent a much smaller percentage of the colony, have an enlarged head which has two large pinchers used to crush or puncture other insects

    • Swarmers-male and female reproductive termites, gain wings when ready to mate, fly around during swarming season to establish new colonies. The swarmer is often confused with carpenter ants but they do have distinct physical differences.

    • **Swarming season typically occurs in the spring (March, April, May). Warm days after rain are ideal conditions for swarmers.

“Termite or ant? Let Baker’s identify the bug when you can’t!”


Our team of termite experts will thoroughly inspect your home/business for any signs of past or current termite activity.


If termites are discovered, we will have the right solution to rid your property of active termites and devise a plan to prevent any future threat or damage from termites.


Baker’s uses the most effective products and treatment methods to eliminate termites.


Call us @317-670-0372 to talk about how Baker’s can exterminate these destructive pests!

Baker’s Pest Solutions & Insulation offers a NPMA-33 report for real estate transactions. Our experienced team will inspect a property before it sells for:

  • Termites

  • Fungus

  • Mold  (Brown Rot, White Rot)

  • Wood Infesting Beetles (Powderpost Beetle)

  • Carpenter Ants

  • Carpenter Bees


In the state of Indiana, getting a

  Wood Destroying Pest Inspection

is suggested and in some cases,

 required before a property

can be sold.


**Call Baker’s today @317-670-0372 for info about our WDPI and NPMA-33 Report**


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